“This is a wave that has just been received from the Earth, and according to spectral analysis, it is a de Broglie wave.”6号有些惊惧地分析道,“Its period, phase and human exactly the same, but the amplitude and human direction is opposite.And the amplitude is still increasing, which means it is still growing.”
“No, it's not supposed to be antimatter humans.”4号神色凝重。
“Right.Its composition is still positive matter, but its microscopic properties and basic form are completely opposite to ours.This means that...”6号深吸了一口气。
“It's a ghost...”1号和2号同时接过了他的话。
“Now it has the same amplitude as a human!”11号突然指向大屏幕。
“But it keeps growing!”7号的声音有些颤抖。
“That's twice as much as humans now!”3号捂住了自己的嘴。
“At such a high amplitude, is its body gaseous?”3号死死地盯着那个波形图。
6号语气强烈地回答:“Do not underestimate it! If it doesn't disperse itself, we'll have to use nuclear weapons to make it disperse!”
“And the fact that the body is dispersed doesn't necessarily affect it - we don't know the effective way to kill it yet...”1号接过了他的话。