他直接问同学女友Carmen,并用了自己生平最快的语速,“Hey, Mrs.Carmen, I have a pretty urgent emergency, can I borrow your car just for a while, I have no time to explain it now, please!”(Carmen小姐,我有个非常紧急的紧急事件,我能借的你车一小会吗,我没时间解释了!)
他的同系同学,Franklin饶有趣味地说着,“Hold on, hold on, what's matter with you?Were you said everything for you just piece of cake? I'm curious what things to make you this kind of emotion.”(慢着,发生什么事了,你不是一向尽在掌握吗,我还非常好奇什么事让你这么激动。)
顾旭桾瞥了一眼同样在看热闹的住家女友,深吸了口气,“My girlfriend!”他一下子涨红了脸,慌张又结巴的说着,“I,I, I knocked her up, I just know that she wants to go through with abortion, I have right to keep it, right? isn't urgent emergency?”(我女友怀孕了,她决定打胎,我也有让这个孩子留下的权利,这算紧急事件吧?)
“What the……heck?!”Franklin听到这震惊的消息,一度愣住了。
Carmen愣了片刻,知道关键因素,马上做出了反应,“Key's here, go head. Hey! Hit on her heart, just remember, you gotta stand girl's situation to think everything, or……you lose your wife or family either.”(去吧,钥匙在这,追回她,记住,永远站在女人的角度去想事情,或者你想失去妻子或家庭。)
顾旭桾接过车钥匙,“Thank your advice, Mrs. Carmen, God bless you.”(多谢你的忠告,Carmen小姐,上帝保佑你。)
他还在消化刚才的话,Carmen一巴掌拍在他脸上,他吃痛的捂着脸,“Ouch! damn! Why you bunch me for no reason?”(你为什么无缘无故打我?)
听到男友这么说,她真的顿时火冒三丈,气笑了,“No Reason?! I will give you one!”(要原因吗?我给你一个!)说完又一拳揍了上去。